Marketing Insights for Innovation
Open up new opportunities for growth!
Discover how insight can drive growth through innovation.
Training Objectives:
Better understand insights and why they are useful
Using insights in innovation and building marketing concepts
Where to look for insights and how to structure, map and share
Learning by doing; applying your learning to your objectives and innovation projects
Training Target Profiles:
Market research managers
Communication / Advertising agencies
Project leaders of innovation projects
Pre-requirements: No previous experience required to participate
Time estimated: 15H in total: de 3h/week over 5 weeks
Understand insights and how to use them to freshen up thinking and develop alternatives for growth
Put your learning into practice on a project of your choice
A marketing insights for innovation certificate will be delivered on the successful completion of this course
Training Programme :
Section 1: Insights : attributes & benefits
Definition: new perspective to help deliver new thinking
Helps project teams stretch marketing thinking
New thinking→ new ideas -> sources of growth for brands and businesses
What insights are for?
better target understanding
demonstrate an unmet need
help explain why users might be interested by a new solution / offer
create the need to deliver a better solution
How insights work: the link between a brand, a product and its target.
The start-point in a marketing concept
Reasons to Believe
Driving innovation through insights
The desire to act and improve user experience
Use insight development as a competitive advantage
Looking for gold: great insights are precious
Insight Model: Truth + Dissatisfaction + Empathy = Starter ideas
Output 1: Understand what is an insight and why it is so useful for marketing and developing new business
Section 2: Observation, interviewing & Listening :
Building empathy: the importance of observing your target market in situ
Framing the context to aid understanding
Observing with fresh eyes: see what’s in front of you!
Preparing an interview: a toolkit for better interview outputs
Difference between what users say & what they do …
Spotting the differences
Detecting these differences as sources of insight!
3 key questions to go beyond the obvious:
3 key techniques for building empathy
Active listening
Using Silence
Focus on the user
Output 2: Understand the importance of observing in situ, how to prepare and conduct great interviews
Section 3: Sources of Insight:
Target market:
Methodology vs objectives: consider breadth vs depth (groups vs ethnos)
Framing the challenge
Experts vs. non-experts : observing different behaviours
Parallel markets
Cultural references
Similar & different
Buying behaviour
Buyers & non Buyers
In-store habits and attitudes
- / market trends
Insight Mapping
sharing outputs
building insight platforms
Output 3: Using different sources of insight to map out and consider potential opportunities
Section 4: Insight Creation and Crafting
Great insights are like great concepts: when you look back, they appear almost too obvious
Keep it simple
Insight springboard: the importance of connection
a strong link between user, product & brand
Using Insight model: crafting an insight; practice, practice, practice!
Leads to starter ideas
Insight Storytelling
Testing insight strength
Bringing the insight to life
Output 4: Putting learning into practice: crafting insights and mapping opportunities
Section 5: Learning by doing: Fresh insights for your chosen project
Your project and the insight challenge
your challenge, your insights!
choice of topic
2-3 targets you learned from
profile examples
Additional sources of insight
richer context
extra reasons to believe
Insight Crafting
short and simple
tension to highlight un-met need
Empathy drives tone of voice
Insight Storytelling
Story & visuals
Clearer business opportunities
Creating the desire to make you do more!
Output 5: 2-3 insight stories that demonstrate future options for growth.
Philip Last is a facilitator and strategist specialising in marketing innovation. He has worked with some of the world’s best loved brands, well known names both locally and internationally, specialising in food, healthcare and leisure sectors. Key domains of activity are insight, ideation and innovation development, focussing on improving consumer and customer experiences.
1 life access

produit.economie - 90 %
5 accesses for life

produit.economie - 90 %
1/2 day workshop

produit.economie - 50 %
1 day workshop

produit.economie - 50 %
1/2 day workshop + 5 lifetime accesses to the training course

produit.economie - 50 %
1 day workshop + 5 lifetime accesses to the training course

produit.economie - 50 %