Sell your B2B product on KickandBoost


Looking to sell your digital B2B product? Sell it on the only specialized marketplace!

The KickandBoost platform allows you to put your products in pre-sales or promotional sales. You will be able to cover your development costs and open up the possibility of acquiring new customers.

KickandBoost is the ideal solution to allow you to really test the market while improving your cash flow.

Sell your B2B product on KickandBoost

Which products are eligible?

All digital products and intangible services sold and purchased between professionals and companies are eligible!

Are not eligible on KickandBoost :

  • iles produits incomplets sans détails suffisants
  • products whose comments or purpose are racist, violent, insulting, defamatory, revisionist, apologetic of war crimes, pedophiles, calling for murder or inciting suicide, inciting discrimination or hatred.
  • products whose content reproduces without authorization a work protected by intellectual property rights
  • products published in duplicate on other Marketplaces

I sell my product

To register on the platform

You will first need to create a free user account on the platform and fill in the required information about your organization.

Afterwards, you will be able to request your registration as a seller. This step is accessible from your private space. A more detailed description of your organization will be requested as well as an activation fee of 300 € excluding taxes. Some of this information will be reported on the order form that will be sent on your behalf to the buyers.

In order to complete your profile, you will also be asked to submit KYC documents.



0 €/mois

  • Commision de 15% HT sur les ventes
  • Soumis au process Know Your Customer


50 € HT/mois

  • Communication, visibilité et mises en relation avec tous nos utilisateurs et partenaires
  • Création d’une page produit optimisée en SEO pour booster votre visibilité et vous mettre en relation avec nos clients

250 € HT/mois

  • HUB +
  • Marketing digital et mailing / suivi des stats
  • 2 campagnes mailing par mois
  • Diffusion dans nos Newsletters
  • 1 post par mois sur LinkedIn, Facebook et Twitter


750 € HT/mois

  • HUB + MARKET +
  • Ciblage personnalisé des prospects
  • Mailing personnalisé aux prospects qualifiés (fréquence selon le nombre)
  • Affinage de la cible et validation de l’intérêt
  • Organisation de Webinars de présentation et de démonstration
  • 1 webinar par mois avec uniquement les prospects qualifiés et futurs clients

Nous vous proposons également une offre supplémentaire pour les professionnels souhaitant un accompagnement global.

Disponible sur devis


Sur devis

  • Optimisation de votre positionnement marché
  • Amélioration de votre stratégie de vente
  • Amélioration de votre product/market fit
  • Mise en œuvre du Marketing mix


KickandBoost is subject to the regulations in force relating to the fight against money laundering and terrorist financing.

For all sellers, it is necessary to submit the following documents to validate your identity according to your status :

  • ID : National ID Card or Legal Representative Passport (Passport is required outside the SEPA zone / Driver's License is accepted for UK, USA and Canada)
  • REGISTRATION PROOF: Extract from the Company Register issued within the last three months. In the case of an organization, this can be a proof of registration from the official authority
  • Certified Statutes
  • Declaration of shareholders: list of individuals who directly or indirectly own more than 25% of the company's capital. Identity document Extract of registration Certificate of registration Certified articles of association Shareholder's declaration
ID Registration proof Certified Statutes Declaration of shareholders  
The recommended duration is 60 days. This allows to communicate about the product and to convince the buyers. You can set a shorter period but you will not be able to change it once the product is online on KickandBoost. Please note that the sale will continue until the end of the fixed period and that the funds collected will only be released at this time.